Pray for change - it will change you!

"I believe all of you somewhere within your heart want to be the instruments of God's power, and therefore, even if you don't feel like it now, there is buried somewhere in your subconscious the longing to be a man or a woman of fervent and effective prayer." (Taken from John Piper's blog).
Did you know that the more you pray, the more you want to pray and the more you know how to pray just by doing it?  Try it sometime.  Like the next time you drive past or drive to a school—Pray for that school, pray for the administration, pray for the students, pray for the school to be a place of peace, pray for Christ to reign there, pray for open doors to the gospel.  Or the next time you see one of the political commercials or road signs—pray!
Pray that our country and our next leader would align with the ways of God, pray for God to remove the corruption out of every aspect of our government, pray God's people and our country would turn back to Him, pray for God's solution to the health care and budget crisis.
- Michelle Beckman