Our children's ministry leaders excited to have you visit Antioch21. Let us tell you a little about ourselves and our curriculum.

We Value:


Our goal is to support parents in reaching the hearts of their children. We also value family in a very practical way by involving our kids in our community.


God desires for us to worship Him in spirit and in truth. In The Village, we want to teach children the importance of coming together as a community to worship God. It is more than singing, it is a way of life that completely honors God.


Jesus modeled prayer, taught prayer, and commanded that we pray. So, not only do we pray for our families, but it is our desire to teach children how to pray. We want children to know that they can talk to God anytime they need Him!

Lost People

It is our desire to help lost people know they matter to God. From children to adults we want them to understand that Jesus loves them, that He dies for them, and that He desires to have a relationship with Him.

Relevant Teaching

The Bible is God’s living word; it is true, holy, and eternal. When it is effectively communicated it will change lives.


We want our children to develop genuine relationships with not only other children but with adults too. One way we do this is by giving children the opportunity to be part of a small group on Sunday, with an adult who is committed to reinforcing the same principles that parents are teaching at home.

Facilitating & Unleashing People in Ministry

We want our children to learn about how they are gifted and how God has wired them to do what God has called them to do. We want to equip them for a life of ministry.